Bachelor of Science in Mathematics

Mathematics Career Opportunities

  • Mathematician
  • Statistician
  • College Math Professor
  • Actuary
  • Market Research Analyst
  • Economist
  • Aerospace Engineer
  • Financial Analyst
  • Data Scientist
  • Information Research Scientist
  • Cryptographer
  • Insurance Underwriter
  • Cost Estimator

A Degree in Math Equals a Strong Foundation for High-paying STEM Careers

If working with numbers comes naturally to you, 爱博体育竞猜app下载(MACU)的数学学位是通往STEM(科学)职业生涯的一条道路, technology, engineering and mathematics) field, as well as teaching, financial planning, statistics and more. 数学学士学位也为想要继续研究生爱博体育竞猜app下载的学生提供了坚实的基础. Employment in math occupations is projected to grow 28 percent from 2020 to 2030, much faster than the average for all occupations. 我们的数学学士学位课程为学生提供与 high-earning potential. For example, the U.S. 美国劳工统计局(Bureau of Labor Statistics)最近报告称,拥有学士学位的精算师的平均工资为105美元,900. 

MACU, a Bible-based university, 由中北部学院和学校协会(NCA)的高等教育委员会(HLC)认可.

Coursework for BS Degree in Mathematics

Our program follows industry trends, 确保你的数学学士学位在不断变化的就业市场上是相关的. With a MACU BS in Mathematics, 你将对如何使用数学概念和技术有一个牢固的理解, 分析方法和批判性思维,调查和解决复杂问题. 

In addition to general education and bible coursework, you’ll study geometry, calculus, linear algebra, abstract algebra, statistics, differential equations and mathematical modeling. You’ll also learn to communicate mathematics verbally and in writing, 以及如何运用定性和定量方法来解决现实问题. 

Program Information


MACU’s campus is more than academic buildings, residence halls, beautifully landscaped walkways, and common areas. 这是一个紧密联系,充满活力的社区,也是我们的学生感到真正属于他们的家. It’s a place where you’re surrounded by kind-hearted people–students, staff and professors–who genuinely care about you, and will be there to support you and cheer you on. With active clubs, groups and organizations, 当你发现新的激情时,很容易融入和联系那些和你有共同兴趣的人,认识朋友. 

澳门大学的学生喜欢安卓版客户端俄克拉荷马城,这个多元化、不断发展的城市离校园仅几步之遥. OKC  is home to several professional sports teams, many local restaurants, food trucks and coffee spots, and also has countless opportunities to enjoy the arts and live music. Known as “The Big Friendly” for its welcoming residents, Oklahoma City recently ranked #4 on a list of the Top 10 coolest cities with the lowest cost of living. Benefits for traditional students at MACU include:

  • Affordability through financial aid and scholarships
  • Flexible program pathways lead to on-time degree completion
  • Low faculty-to-student ratio
  • Safe, walkable campus with less than 1,500 students
  • Immediate access to OKC with career and cultural opportunities
  • Support resources committed to helping students succeed and thrive
  • Full support–including tutoring and student services
  • Clubs, organizations and groups for all interests
  • Competitive athletics and e-sports

MACU Offers a Solid Foundation for Christian Professionals

No matter your major, all MACU courses are built on biblical principles. 你周围的人都相信成功和信念是相辅相成的. Opportunities for spiritual growth on campus include weekly chapel, small groups, and student-led discussions. 我们的学生为进入职业生涯做好了充分的准备,并利用上帝赋予他们的才能来改善他们的职业和社区. 

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  • MATH1303

    Plane Trigonometry

    In the first part of this course, 探讨了三角形和三角函数的性质及其应用. 主题包括:三角函数、恒等式、图形、逆函数和定律. In the second part of this course, 通过广泛使用图形计算器来安卓版客户端问题和解决方案,将安卓版客户端函数的图形方法, not just rote memorization. 还将教授解决问题的技巧和图形计算器的编程. Prerequisite: ACT Math score of 18. Offered every fall.

  • MATH2114

    Calculus I and Analytic Geometry

    An introduction to the basic concepts of Calculus including limits, derivatives and integrals using graphical, numerical, recurrence relations and symbolic points of view. 重点将放在使用微积分解决问题和解决问题的技巧将被教授. (lab included) Prerequisites: MATH 1513 or high school credit for Calculus. Offered every fall.

  • MATH2214

    Calculus II

    A continuation of Calculus I. A rigorous development of differential and integral Calculus. 关于极限,连续性,微分和积分理论的主题将被涵盖. 中美基督教大学2016-2017 -课程描述167级数和幂级数. 将使用解决问题的技巧和基本的逻辑来证明微积分中至关重要的定理. (lab included) Prerequisite: MATH 2114. Offered every spring semester.

  • MATH2313

    Calculus III

    A continuation of Calculus II. Vectors in the plane, parametric equations, three-dimensional vectors, solid analytic geometry, 多变量函数的微分学及其在方向导数上的应用, gradients, and line integrals are some of the topics covered. 多重积分将在直角坐标、极坐标、柱坐标和球坐标中介绍. Proofs of certain theorems will be explored. Prerequisite: MATH 2214. Offered every fall semester.

  • MATH3103

    Linear Algebra

    A study of the generalization of the properties of straight lines. Topics include: linear equations, matrices, determinants, vectors, vector spaces, linear transformations, eigen values and eigenvectors. Prerequisite: MATH 1513. Offered every spring.

  • MATH3303

    History of Math

    A survey of the historical development of mathematics. 本课程的重点是数学概念从起源到现在的发展. Mathematicians who made significant contributions are highlights. Prerequisite: MATH 2214. Offered fall semester: even numbered years.

  • MATH3403

    Discrete Math

    介绍离散数学的基本思想,为发展更高级的数学概念奠定基础. Some topics covered include: Number Theory, Sets and operations on sets, logic, permutations and combinations, functions, trees, graph theory and groups. Prerequisite: MATH 1513. Offered fall semester: odd numbered years.

  • MATH3703

    Introduction to Statistics

    本课程是对作为分析方法的基本统计学的完整介绍. 统计学是一种强大的工具,广泛应用于商业世界和行为科学领域. 本课程将为学生提供统计术语和公式的实用知识. 学生将在整个课程中使用微软Excel作为媒介技术. Microsoft Excel spreadsheet program is required for this course. Prerequisite: MATH 1513. Offered every semester.

  • MATH4003

    College Geometry I

    这门课程的目的是通过平面几何和它的各个分支的“航行”. 本课程将向学生介绍公理系统的性质,并研究每个系统. Discussions on Euclidean and nonEuclidean Geometries will be included. 广泛使用Geometer的Sketchpad软件将需要几个实验室调查. Prerequisite: MATH 2313. Offered fall semester: even numbered years.

  • MATH4013

    Differential Equations

    Ordinary differential equations of first order, higher order linear equations, Laplace transform methods, series methods; numerical solution of differential equations. Application to physical sciences and engineering. Prerequisite: MATH 2313. Offered spring semester: odd numbered years.

  • MATH4103

    Abstract Algebra

    A study of three themes: arithmetic, congruence, and abstract structures which are developed for integers, polynomials, rings and groups. Numbers, number theory and number systems will be taught. Prerequisite: MATH 3403. Offered spring semester: even numbered years.

  • MATH4113

    Mathematical Modeling

    数学建模是解决现实世界问题的数学工具. In this course students study a problem-solving process. They learn how to identify a problem, construct or select appropriate models, figure out what data needs to be collected, test the validity of a model, calculate solutions and implement the model. 重点是模型构建,以促进学生的创造力,并展示理论数学与现实应用之间的联系. Prerequisite: MATH 2313. Offered spring semester: odd numbered years.

  • MATH4203

    Mathematical Statistics

    A study of combinatorics; probability, random variables, discrete and continuous distributions, generating functions, moments, special distributions, multivariate distributions, independence, distributions of functions of random variables, hypothesis testing, analysis of variance, and regression. Prerequisites: MATH 3703 and MATH 2313. Offered fall semester: odd numbered years.

  • MATH4303

    College Geometry II

    这门课程的目的是通过平面几何和它的各个分支的“航行”. 本课程将向学生介绍公理系统的性质,并研究每个系统, including rings and groups. Discussions on non-Euclidean geometries will be included. 广泛使用Geometer的SketchPad软件将需要几个实验室调查. Prerequisite: MATH 4003. Offered spring semester: odd numbered years.

  • MISE4103

    Programming Concepts

    This course introduces computer concepts and procedures. 简单的,经常遇到的数据处理算法将被用作例子. Program organization will be introduced from the perspective of sequence, selection, iteration and modular programming techniques. 每项编程任务都将介绍并要求编制有效的文件.

  • MISE4603


    学生将爱博体育竞猜app下载各种计算机语言来解决涉及输入/输出定义的典型商业计算机问题, program loops, control structures, and use of Sequential and Indexed file organizations.

  • PHYS1134

    General Physics I (with Lab)

    This is an algebra based course. This course includes mechanics in one and two dimensions, thermodynamics and/or waves; with laboratory. Prerequisites: College algebra or equivalent.

  • PHYS2104

    Physics I

    An introduction to Physics, Mechanics, Work, Energy, Water, heat, sound. 实验室实验与物理I(力学)的讲课主题相协调, work, energy, water, heat and sound. Prerequisite: MATH 2503 or consent of instructor. Offered every Fall Semester.

  • UNIV1121

    First Year Evangel

    Designed for the first-year student, 本课程将透过一个选定的流行文化主题,探讨在澳门大学当大学生的重要方面. Aspects to be explored include critical thinking, time management, goal setting, MACU’s mission and vision, and the unique aspects of being a MACU student and earning a MACU degree. 所有学院或文理学生都需要,除非教务长或他/她指定的人放弃. Offered every semester.